Download Source Java BC4J Component Files
- Identify the Java Source Path
- Right Click Project > Settings
- Copy the Path, such as
- D:jdeveloperjdevhomejdevmyprojects
- Download the Java files to the above local directory
Fig 17 - Check Project Settings
- Under this path
- Create local path /oracle/apps
- Logon to Oracle Application Server with PUTTY
- Find the &COMMON_TOP /java /oracle /apps
- Type ora a
- Type cd $COMMON_TOP
- Type pwd
- Copy the path such as /x00/oracle/
- Logon to WinSCP
- Navigate to the remote path
- /java
- /ota
- FTP everything under the above folder to the local folder:
- D:jdeveloperjdevhomejdevmyprojectsoracleappsota
- Next FTP down the
- /fnd/wf
- To D:jdeveloperjdevhomejdevmyprojectsoracleappsfndwf
- Repeat the above for oracle/apps/ota/notifications and FTP to
- jdevhome/myclasses/oracle/apps/ota/notifications
Hence local structure looks like this.